UPDATE: Although the event is now over, you can still read about what happened on the Beyond Reality Events website. Some odd things happened during the investigation including distortion of the laser grid (Amy said she had never seen this happen before), EVPs, and shadow activity. You can find audio and video links inbetween the text updates. Amy did answer some questions from fans near the beginning of the blog.
Tonight from 9 PM to 2 AM EST, TAPS is going to be investigating Eastern State Penitentiary along with Chip Coffey from Psychic Kids. Paranormal Pop Culture blogger Aaron Sager will be covering all the action live through this blog and at www.beyondrealityevents.com/blog giving armchair ghost hunters a complete interactive experience. " You'll have a chance to ask them questions, see photos, take part in polls and make suggestions on where I should go next in this interactive experience." Jason, Grant, Amy, & Britt are all expected to be a part of the live blog tonight. Don't miss it!
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