New Season
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
TurboTax Commercial Featuring Jason Now Online

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Saturday, January 23, 2010
Did Ghost Hunters Change the Ghost Hunting World?

Prior to Ghost Hunters or BGH (“before Ghost Hunters”), ghost hunting was something people giggled about as frivolous and born of the spiritualists movement involving hoaxes such as ectoplasm, Ouija boards, and (dare we say) séances. People who believed in ghosts were in with the ranks of UFO witnesses and Bigfoot peepers; all of them taken as overzealous nerd fantasies.
But, after Ghost Hunters (AGH), Americans who had believed in ghosts and would not readily admit such a predisposition, were now turning to their friends and admitting their “affliction.” I had been hunting a few years before the show came to be, but when I heard a show about ghost hunters was going to be on national TV, I thought “times are changing! I might finally come out of the closet.”
Thursday, January 21, 2010
New Dustin & Barry Interview Mentions GHA Recruits

Question> The other companion show to your show is Ghost Hunters Academy. And I had watched all six episodes of that. And it looks like two people have graduated from the academy and will be joining you in their investigations. But I didn't know if they’re coming on board the end of this season or next season; do you guys know when?
Dustin> No I was just saying that we haven't filmed with them as of yet. The episodes that are airing currently are the ones we had just finished up while those guys were actually in the academy.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The News - Now Better Than Ever

If you are looking for older news, you will still be able to find that in our News Archives.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
TAPS, GHI, GHA, Nominated for 2009 Spooktalkular Awards

Shop Our New Store: GHF ParaGear!

Josh Gates to Host Live 100th Episode Investigation

Kris Williams will be a guest investigator on Destination Truth during its season premiere on March 17.
This March, Syfy’s winning reality duo, Ghost Hunters and Destination Truth, will return with all new episodes! First, on Wednesday, March 3, 2010 @ 9pm, celebrate a milestone as America’s favorite paranormal investigators, the Ghost Hunters, kick off their triumphant sixth season with episode 100! For this epic investigation, Jason, Grant and the rest of the team – plus guest investigators Barry FitzGerald and Dustin Pari from Ghost Hunters International – will take on their biggest case yet: Alcatraz, the former military prison known world-wide for the countless claims of paranormal activity witnessed within its walls.
The Alcatraz case will be presented on March 3rd within a LIVE, 2-hour interactive fan event hosted by Destination Truth’s Josh Gates.
The Deadbolt Interviews Dustin & Barry

THE DEADBOLT: Barry, how hard or easy is it to spook you?
FITZGERALD: [laughs] My biggest nemesis has to be mannequins. I have to say that those truly frighten the living hell out of me, because I have my mind set on I'm there to do a job, I'm there to look for ghosts, and all of a sudden this
dummy will be leaning against somewhere, maybe where it shouldn't have been
before, and it truly frightens the hell out of me.In Argentina, in the case that's coming up, that they had the death images that were taken back in Victorian times, where people would be propped up with different things around them and a photograph was taken. So I was in a dark room with my own camera taking photographs of these photographs, because I've never actually seen them before, and the only thing light-wise I had was the auto focus on the camera.
So, as you can imagine, as I turned around there was a small dummy of a child leaning against the wall and I screamed louder than Brandy Green ever could and all of them grabbed their stomachs laughing at me. I get spooked by those
things, I really do.