Whether you have been having nightmares or dreams about the upcoming episode of Ghost Hunters featuring The Real Housewives of Atlanta this Wednesday, here are two sneak peeks of the episode. Just a reminder (if you already are dreading this Wednesday), nobody forced you to watch them!
As Thanksgiving has now arrived in the United States, there's no better time than now to say THANK YOU to all of the people who visit our blog, fansite, follow us on Twitter, and like us on Facebook. Your support gives us all the more reason to keep all this running and expanding as time goes by. On that token, we are giving away apparel from our friends at Top Heavy Clothing to lucky fans who enter our Thanksgiving Giveaway. Its our way of saying thanks for all the support that you have given. All you have to do is answer the question, What are you thankful for?.
Ghost Hunters International's newest member, Kris Williams, announced via her blog today that she will be signing 100 copies of the November/December issue of TAPS ParaMagzine (which includes a prominent feature about her) in December. She is offering fans who have a copy of the magazine the opportunity to get their copies signed by sending her their info after December 18th (do not send her anything now). She will then choose 100 e-mails from those sent and those lucky individuals will get their magazines signed and sent back to them. Make sure to keep visiting her blog (http://www.kriswilliamsblog.com/) over the next few weeks to read her latest updates regarding this contest.
I leave for my next run with GHI this Thursday and I will be home Dec 18th. When I get home I will get a temporary PO BOX that a friend of mine will help me keep track of. I figured I would wait till I got back since I know a lot of you have not received the mag yet and in some cases it's not in your stores yet.When I am back I will have those of you with that issue of the Paramag send me your info (do not send until then) and I will pick 100 people out of those emails. Those 100 people will get an email with the PO BOX address to send their issue to. If you want your mag back, it MUST come with a self addressed stamped envelope so that I can return it to you. The only other rule is that I will only sign the Nov/Dec issue, anything else will be sent back unsigned (this is the part my friends keeping track of).
LifeSpan Health has uploaded a video of Jason & Grant's visit to Hasbro Children's hospital earlier this month to present a check for their winnings on Who Wants to Be A Millionaire? The video features Robert M. Klein, the Pedictrician-in-Chief, expressing his thanks for the donation and Jason & Grant saying that Hasbro Children's Hospital was "the first place" they thought of when they were asked to play on Millionaire. You can watch their appearance on the game show here.
Tonight Beyond Reality Events will be hosting their event Ghosts of Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia, PA. For those of us who can't be there live, Aaron Sagers will be liveblogging from the event, which features special guests Britt Griffith, Amy Bruni, Adam Berry, Ben Hansen, and Bill Murphy (both of Fact or Faked). Aaron has said previously on Twitter that the blog, which begins at 9 PM EST/6 PM PST, will include video and prizes. You can find the liveblog box posted on the BRE homepage and you can also set an e-mail reminder so that you don't forget to check in tonight. Eastern State Penitentiary has been featured on Ghost Hunters and Ghost Hunters Academy and is notably the originating location of the quote "Dude, Run!".
SyFy has just given the green light for Ghost Hunters International season 3, which will begin production in early 2011. The second season will continue airing on Wednesday, January 5th. The seven new episodes in January will "include visits to Hamlet's Castle in Denmark, the Castle of Nuremberg, the Huissen House of Horror in the Netherlands and the Petrovaradin Fortress in Serbia." The text quoted below is from the SyFy press release.
In its second season, Ghost Hunters International has averaged a 1.4 household rating and 1,948,000 total viewers so far. Ghost Hunters International features a squad of paranormal investigators who use their principles of scientific techniques to explore some of the most legendary haunted spots around the world. The series will return to conclude its second season with seven all new episodes beginning Wednesday January 5, 2011 at 9:00 PM ET/PT. Investigations will include visits to Hamlet's Castle in Denmark, the Castle of Nuremberg, the Huissen House of Horror in the Netherlands and the Petrovaradin Fortress in Serbia. Barry FitzGerald leads the team of investigators, which includes newest member Ghost Hunters' Kris Williams from TAPS.
In addition to renewing Ghost Hunters International, SyFy also gave Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files fans a sigh of relief by ordering a second season of the show, which premiered earlier this year.
As Jason and Grant have previously mentioned on Twitter, they will be presenting a $61,100 check to the Hasbro Children's Hospital in Providence, RI tomorrow. The official presentation will take place in the lobby of the hospital at 10:30 am. Jason & Grant won the money during their appearance on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? shortly before Halloween. According to an article on Examiner.com, clips will be shown of their appearance and they will be thanked for their contribution to the hospital.
11/17/10 Update
Jason and Grant presented the check this morning and a photo of them was posted on the Hasbro Children's Hospital Twitter account (seen below).
Amy Bruni was a guest on last night's installment of 30 Odd Minutes, a weekly paranormal web show hosted by GhostVillage.com founder Jeff Belanger. In case you missed the show live, you can watch it below.
Tune in this week for the Ghost Hunters' investigation of Sloss Furnaces with music legend Meat Loaf (who is the only returning guest in the show's history, having previously joined the team for an investigation).
If you missed Jason and Grant's October 29th appearance on Millionaire, you can now watch it online below. Sorry for the reduced quality ahead of time. Enjoy!
Beyond Reality Events has just announced new details about the Ghost Hunters International event that Kris Williams and other investigators hinted about on Twitter recently. That event has turned out to be at the Rolling Hills Asylum in East Bethany, NY January 14-16, 2011. The event's website www.beyondevent.net currently lists Barry FitzGerald, Kris Williams, Joe Chin, Paul Bradford, Susan Slaughter, and Britt Griffith as special guests as well as TAPS ParaMagzine editor Scotty Roberts. Tickets to the event are available for $179 via this website. The agenda lists several of the different speakers and presentations taking place during the weekend of this event including a meet and greet with the guests, a GHI sneak peek & Q&A session with the team, a presentation about tech with Britt and another about genealogy with Kris, and (of course) the investigation of Rolling Hills Asylum.
On a related note, Aaron Sagers will be liveblogging from the upcoming Eastern State Penitentiary event November 20th at 9:00 PM EST. You can set an e-mail reminder at http://www.beyondrealityevents.com/ so that you don't miss out on any of the blog! Britt Griffith, Amy Bruni, and Adam Berry are currently scheduled to attend this event as well as Fact or Faked's Bill Murphy and Ben Hansen.
Watch the sneak peek below for an all new episode of Ghost Hunters that will air this Wednesday. The new episode is also the first to feature Ghost Hunters Academy winner Adam Berry and will also include the evidence (if any) captured during Ghost Hunters Live. As usual, you can join our chat room Wednesday night at 9 PM p/12 PM e.
Several of the GHI team members, with Kris Williams at the lead, have been tweeting about an upcoming Ghost Hunters International event that would take place this coming January on the US east coast. The event was also mentioned in passing during Kris Williams' and Barry FitzGerald's (the new GHI team leads) Ustream chat the other night. Here are some of their messages:
@BarryGHIIt looks like GHI for the first time will be visiting the east coast for an event in early 2011. I can't wait
@GHIPaulIm excited that this January 2011 GHI will be all together for an event on the east coast to celebrate the new season, new team and new show
@KrisWilliams81There looks like there may be a GHI event coming to the North East!!! The whole team we be there... Ill let u know more when we know more!
Although there are not any concrete details about the event (presumably they are still being worked out), there definitely seems to be something planned for the new team in early 2011. We will be sure to update with more information as it becomes available.
You don't have to wait until the next Ghost Hunters Live to follow Amy, Britt, KJ, and Adam on their next investigation of the Stanley Hotel. Thanks to Aaron Sagers of Paranormal Pop Culture, you will be able to follow their investigation live tomorrow night from the infamous Stanley Hotel! The event is hosted by Beyond Reality Events and you can visit their website http://www.beyondrealityevents.com/ tomorrow night at 11 PM MT (or 10 PM p/12 PM c/1 AM est) to read Aaron's live updates.
If you plan on attending the Stanley Hotel event this weekend in person, don't hesitate to send in photos and other media to ghfwebmaster@gmail.com We'll be sure to share it with the world and other fans.
Are ready to find out who won our Signed Book Scavenger Hunt? If so, wait no longer! The winner of a signed copy of Ghost Hunt is....
Karen Porm
And the following lucky people have won Ghost Hunters merchandise from Top Heavy Clothing...
Christie McAtee Michelle Falk Mike Dirschberger
Congrats to everyone who won! If you didn't, you can be certain that there will be more giveaways in the future. And a special thank you to Tanya at Top Heavy Clothing for answering my emails and being so great, make sure you visit the Ghost Hunters/TAPS store and check out their super t-shirts. Also, thank you to Lisa (Jason & Grant's publicist) at Little Brown Books, who helped put such an awesome prize in my hands.
It wouldn't be a week without it, so here it is! A sneak peek of the next episode of Ghost Hunters, "Home is Where the Heart Is". In this episode, TAPS investigates the winning location from Syfy’s Great American Ghost Hunt.
Last night's Ghost Hunters Live! not only was a six hour investigation, but it also was an event that put weeks of speculation about Kris Williams to rest. Before the team started investigating, Josh Gates announced that Kris would be transferring to the Ghost Hunters International team. Later, it was also announced that Barry FitzGerald (who was at the event) would be the new team leader, since Robb will be leaving the team. The new GHI team will be made up of Barry, Kris, Paul, Scott, Susan, Joe, and Britt (is some episodes. He has been fired from the franchise as of October. However, he had already started filming with the show.)
If you weren't able to watch the live show, you can still follow along by visiting all the team's twitter accounts (links on this page), the GHFansLive Twitter account, and the Ghost Hunters Twitter acount where they were posting photos from the event throughout the night. Throughout the night, SyFy had been conducting a poll asking fans what was their favorite past GH investigation. The results were announced at the end of the show, with a majority of them going to Waverly Hills Sanatorium. Since that location won, the TAPS team will return to investigate it in Season 7. The results from the Buffalo Central Terminal investigation will be shown on the November 10th episode of Ghost Hunters.
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