All the tweets that will go down in the history books for this week of Friday, March 4th!
From the TAPS team
In the kitchen… @amybruni Hotel room with a kitchenette makes me happy!(...)@Jchawes in memory of the great Dr. Seuss This is part of what the kids are eating tonight.(...) final products. .lol (...)@amybruni Remind me to never let you cook for me. ;)
Home… @amybruni This is the hail coming down at my house right now. And my psycho cat. It's like dippin' dots heaven.
Screaming for ice cream… @SteveGonsalves1 This is my freezer and this is what it always looks like, flavors may vary. (...)@davetango I don't see the reese's sundae cups in there.
Skeet shooting… @davetango (...) @amybruni All that Call of Duty has paid off I see. ;)
Sushi time... @amybruni No motivation. Packing for two extremely different climates has me stumped. Want sushi. Yes, this is how my brain works. ;)
Q&A… @amybruni It's time for some in-flight Q and A, @joshuagates style. Bring on the questions! :)
RT @indigo_15 Strangest thing you've ever seen/heard during an investigation?AMY: The shadow we saw at Sloss with @RealMeatLoaf is def up there. (…)RT @noexcuses222 How is it you came to know Jason & Grant all the way from Cali?AMY: Was part of a TAPS Fam team in Cali (...)@Violet900 so what pranks have you pulled on your teamates? AMY: I prank @adamjberry constantly. He's very gullible. ;) RT @MsFehr What would you do if you weren't ghost hunting? AMY: Probably settle down like a normal person. :) (...)RT @dedman13 what else para do u think could be real AMY: Love cryptozoology, but think UFOs are much more provable, (then ghosts even.) (...)RT @ashleenicole93 what do you watch on tv in your free time? AMY: I watch Californication, True Blood & tune into @AmericanPicker when I can. ;) (…)Read any good books lately?Currently reading Next Rest Stop: Earth by @PatrickHTDoyle and so far, I am digging. (...) RT @tardis70 how do u hv a normal life being on tv? AMY: TV part is fine.Road makes it hard to maintain any normalcy.Relationships, house, pets, etc
On a desert island with... @amybruni RT @ALifeTAPStastic If you were stuck on a desert island with only ONE other person- one of your fellow TAPS team members, who would it be, and why? Probably @davetango because we could play X Box and he could amuse me with his magic tricks. Ha! (…)@davetango haha. It's all u need! X box and magic!
Teasing... @amybruni Had to stay the night in NC because of our diverted flight yesterday. Now flying to meet the team...luggage-less, so I hope I don't smell. (…)@KrisWilliams81 but you always smell ;)(…)@amybruni I knew you were going to say that Williams! ;) (…)@amybruni All new Ghost Hunters tonight at 9 on @SyFy! See what makes me swear like a sailor! (...) @KrisWilliams81 question. What doesn't make you swear like a sailor? :) (…)@amybruni I don't swear when shopping, pedicuring or drinking wine. ;)
Interview… @BenGriessmeyer Watching on Face to Face: Ghost Hunters's Adam Berry
Creepy! @SteveGonsalves1
Nap on the stairs… @Jchawes yes, he really fell asleep like that.
Driving skillz… @amybruni New Englanders love to flip me off when I'm driving around. I can't help it if my mad California driving skillz make less sense than yours.
Emergency… @davetango Put pizza in the oven - had an "emergency" calling to the "lavatory" - there are only 2 minutes left until pizza gets burned. #predicament(…) “@PopGlitterBridg: wow & u have time to tweet?lol”. - Well I wasn't going anywhere! Haha (…) @amybruni you mean call to your office.... ;)
Pennhurst Asylum Thoughts… @AdamJBerry Yes a bug hit me in my face... Thankx @amybruni !!! (…)Pitch black darkness chasing crazy sounds and a bug hits you in the face = tv bleeps...@amybruni
Cow!@AdamJBerry Yes I do a mean cow impersonation... (…) @AdamJBerry Thanks for all the great comments about last night episode! We had a great time at Penn Hurst and I would go back in a second. :-) (…)@amybruni As far as my screaming and F bombs last night...I truly, truly thought an animal was going to come running out of the shadows...the sounds and movement we heard/saw were SO loud and apparent that I just figured it was an angry raccoon. Never thought ghost. Until we got to the end of the hallway and it was just an empty room... (…)@AdamJBerry favorite Bonus Scene quote from last nights episode on "This is one flew waaaaay over the cuckoo's nest"
Sweet dreams… @amybruni Had a great din din with @AdamJBerry @davetango and @BenGriessmeyer. Now it's sweet dreams for me...where does this train stop next??? ;) (…) @amybruni Sleepy time self portrait. G'nite from the road...
Amy’s Playlist... @amybruni listening to "Roxy Music - Slave To Love" ♫
(...) "The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary" ♫ (…)"Joan Jett & the Blackhearts - Do You Wanna Touch Me? (Oh Yeah!)" ♫ (…)TV on the Radio - Will Do" ♫
From the GHI team
Back Home… @KrisWilliams81 Hello USA!!! I missed youuuuu!!!!!! :D (...)Sitting on my plane in miami headed for my next stop over! Im on my way NH!!! (...)RT ChetNutz: @KrisWilliams81 where u heading Kris if u don't mind me asking? :) ME: the bestest place on the planet! HOME! :) (…)
@joe_ghi Ok, two flights more before I'm home! I had a great time in Trinidad, though beautiful as it was...that last case kicked my ass!(...) @GHIPaul There's no place like home, there's no place like home....... It worked!!!! (…)@GHI_Susan Flying into LA during sunset reminds me of why I live here.
Q&A… @KrisWilliams81 RT @andurilinhand: Favorite high school teacher? ME: my art teacher, I was a huge art nerd. She couldn't get rid of me (…) RT @DTonSYFYfans: worst movies uve ever seen? ME: lately, The Rite. In gen, horror calld Jacko lol low budget train wreck lol (…)RT @melmel1225: Favorite movie genre? ME: Thrillers (…)RT @khakipillowslip: Who is your favourite band? ME: wow... really!? Can anyone answer this one for me!? Lol (…) RT @Ladyfox7oaks: @ Best Horror movie you've ever seen? The one that Stuck with you and haunted your nightmares ME: Strangers (…)RT @peaceloveashlee: Favorite television show that's not GH or GHI? ;) ME: Big Love, how I met your mother, true crime shows (…)RT @LA_Babyyyy: Most famous person you've ever met? ME: Clint Eastwood. He introduced me to Sean Penn as his niece lol (…)RT @LA_Babyyyy: Will you answer this question? ME: Hell no! ...o...shit. ;) (…)RT @Ed_Betts: Favorite Horror Movie Villain? ME: Freddie and for thrillers Kevin Spacey in Seven hands down (…)RT @rdb313: @KrisWilliams81 going to any red sox games this summer? ME: I Freaking hope so! (…) RT @khakipillowslip: Do u ever watch soccer? ME: if my tv only had 1 channel & it only played soccer, id never turn it on. ;)(…) RT @kasey_94: do u read every comments u recieve? ME: read all, just can't always answer or i answer in DM (...) RT @djchristensen: favorite 60's or 70's muscle car ME: late 70's vet/stingray and shelby
RT kcapfirefighter: what is your favorite pink Floyd song? ME: Wish You Were Here
Gym or Oscars... @KrisWilliams81 Gym. I hate you. (…) Whats everyone else up to while im busting my ass at the gym!?@AdamJBerry busting my butt on the couch watching the oscars... !! :-) @KrisWilliams81 laaaazzzyyy bones! ;) how you doing, booger? (...)@AdamJBerry I am well!! Starting another run tomorrow and I am relaxing! Have a glass of wine after the gym!! :-)
Facts... @KrisWilliams81 When i come home to the states 55,959 cell phone batteries die twice as fast then normal... ;)
Sanity... @KrisWilliams81 Looking forward to the next run out with GHI!!! Hello Argentina! :) But first! A quick trip to LA for my sanity, lol. (…)@GHIPaul Ahhh that's where you left it!
Packing… @KrisWilliams81 I can't wait for DT Live in Ireland!!! Packing is interesting... Argentina, to Ireland, to... gonna need a bag of hot & bag of cold clothes (…) I am the worst packer on the planet. I still have two empty bags staring at me... (…)Bags.(…) Still.(…) Empty. (…)Wow! Officially the lightest bags I've ever packed!!! No idea how I did it! Thought I was bringing too much lol
Tiger… @KrisWilliams81 Hell w/tiger DNA @amybruni & I make Shera look lame! *attempts to flex muscles*(…) @amybruni hahaha! By the Power of Greyskull!
Break… @GHI_Susan Much needed fun night on the town... Wine and free shots... Hey... It's vacation... Right?
Karaoke War… @ScottGHI For karaoke tonight, thinking of doing Luther Vandross` "Dance With My Father" for one of my songs. Prob be a gametime decision. Thoughts? (…) @GHIPaul Heres a thought, stay at home dont put the poor people through yet another experience of you killing a classic.... just a thought! @ScottGHI Your jealousy is unbecoming, Mr. Bradford. ; )@GHIPaul You keep telling yourself that, what ever helps you sleep at night, those poor poor people. You know you'd make a good interigator (…)@ScottGHI I'm thinking "The Crystal Ship", "Break on Through" or "Hello, I Love You" for my Doors karaoke tonight..(…) KrisWilliams81 im thinking you give it up (…)@KrisWilliams81 RT @peaceloveashlee: we start a petition to keep @ScottGHI from ruining good songs? ;) ME: how abt any song lol (…)@GHIPaul Never say Never Scott there's still hope for you, you can quite we will all support and encourage you @KrisWilliams81 lol yea, encourage him to stop.(to be continued)
For the brave ones… @ScottGHI The Doors! Berlin! Kenny Loggins! New karaoke videos are now up on my FB!
Question… @barryghi If the worlds shipping both above and below the surface where suddenly removed, by how much would the sea levels drop?
The Doors by Kris… @KrisWilliams81 Now If your sad and your feeling blue, go out and buy a brand new pair of shoooes @TheDoors (…) Rockin out 2 some more Morrison Hotel while packin my fav song! Leave Trinidad 2morrow! (…) My favorite song by The Doors! : ) along with "The Crystal Ship".
Review of Season 4 "Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch"
14 hours ago
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