Here is the third installment of Tweets of the Week! (Sorry for the slight delay) You'll find some cold investigations, fun in the snow, banshees, coverage from the Rolling Hills Event with the GHI team that took place, & much more!
From the TAPS team
Isolation… @Jchawes Found a place that only allows snowmobiles. No cars allowed here. I think its called, uhhhm,, HEAVEN?????? @amybruni A few minutes of downtime, listening to Calexico and watching the sunset from my room. Blissfully isolated for the week...@SteveGonsalves1 Adam and I.. heading somewhere where no cars are allowed!
Investigating Antarctica? @amybruni Brrrrrrr! @AdamJBerry It's so cold!!! Brrrrrrrrrr. My teeth are making a lot of chatter.... Feet warmers in the boots and hand warmers in the pocket... Round 2! @amybruni Excited to be investigating inside when it's below zero outside - Oh, except the buildings aren't heated. Lot and lots of layers! @amybruni -15. I will never take warmth for granted again. (…) Good afternoon from frozen town. I'm going to try my best to stay indoors today.
Epic… @grantswilson Today is an adventure. Snowmobile to the airport, 4 passenger plane. Regional plane, then full size plane, car then..... Home. For 20 hours. (…) Took the ferry a couple days ago. Now the water is too frozen so I have to take a plane. With no heat. Have a look. (...) Made it home around 6pm... Man... there truly is NO place like home. :D
Camping… @amybruni Watching @AdamJBerry drink coffee out of a wine glass because he won't wash a mug. No roughing it for this one! Haha @AdamJBerry no dish soap Bruni!! Got to get some at the store :-)@amybruni Use regular soap! It's called hotel living ;)@AdamJBerry that's called homeless... Let's cover up with some news paper and sleep in a box... Poop in a jar... :-) @amybruni Ew, remind me to never camp with you! Haha
Overworking… @amybruni All work and no play makes Amy a dull girl...
Coincidence… @amybruni It's some sort of awesome twist of fate that the Japanese title of Big Trouble in Little China is Ghost Hunters.
The Banshee in the pub… @AdamJBerry: Sitting in an Irish pub having a beer. Found this pic of a lady banshee... Scary @amybruni I'm no banshee!
Beauty tips… @amybruni Snowmobile rides are a cheap and easy alternative to botox. My face is frozen.
Good vibrations… @SteveGonsalves1 All metal fans should own this DVD!! So sick!! … via @youtube @amybruni Oh, Jake Ryan....*swoon* ♫ @davetango If times gets tough, and your feeling down, just listen to "Steel Guitar Caviar!" By Jeremy Wakefield. You will thank me later.
Season 7 is (almost) here!... @amybruni Here it comes! February 23rd - Ghost Hunters Season 7 premiere! Watch the commercial here:
Get your ParaMag signed... @amybruni Info on Paramag signing can be found here: (That site if oddly familiar! lol)
Escape… @amybruni My chariot. I'm terrified. 3 (...)One of our camera operators, @jasonbagby and me on the itty bitty plane. Made it to Pellston - 3 flights to go! @MistaKJ It's been a long time since I've flown in one of these! What a fantastic trip we had with the crew! @amybruni On the plane! I was fine after this little moment - flight was beautiful :) @SteveGonsalves1, don't watch this!
From the GHI team
Rolling Hills album… @KrisWilliams81 Paul, Susan and Britt rocking out to some kareoke lol spelt writ but its not my fault- Barry gave me the spelling (...)@KrisWilliams81 EVENT MADNESS! LOL (...)Holy $h!t. 6 degrees and dropping... hello Rolling Hills! :) (...) RT @JenDanczak Myself & @KrisWilliams81 from last night. You're such a delight to be around! What a fun weekend. (...) RT @heatherasaro: Here we are me @nickasaro @barryghi @kriswilliams81 at @rollinghillsasy event..really awesome people RT@DaphneDoo71:@kriswilliams81 This would be a great picture if @briguy700 didn't appear as if he were emerging from your head RT @aaronsagers: @GHI_Susan singing a little Johnny Cash at karaoke w/ backup dancers @britttgriffith & @GHIPaul. @KrisWilliams81 This just may be my fav pic from the event-more at:
And videos… @KrisWilliams81 LOL @joe_ghi doing an impression of @ghipaul (...)@ghi_susan singing Karaoke with her dancers... :)
A career change? Maybe not! … KrisWilliams81 RT @Kenadamson1: is Barry a good singer ME: ummm. No. He should stick to hunting ghosts lol
Find Kris in the picture… @KrisWilliams81 I seriously couldn't fit any more layers under this coat... I feel like the kid from A Christmas Story...
What truffles?… @amybruni ahem - where are my truffles!?!?! ;) @KrisWilliams81 lol in my belly! :)
Torture… @KrisWilliams81 Barry knows how much I dislike european techno... so he found an @TheDoors song to techo to torture me... why would anyone butcher my Doors!? (…)Barrys all proud of himself 4 "findin a happy medium"when really this shit should be against the law lol @TheDoors (...)RT @briguy700: @KrisWilliams81 Did @barryghi force you to listen to that again? Haha! ME: yes! & I can't exactly run from a moving vehicle..
GHI team vs auto-correct… @GHIPaul Starting our decent into Atlanta so gave to shit down electronics soon, only an hour til my flight to Tucson (…)Ahhhh don't u just love auto correct!!! yeah so sh*ting down electronics ummm whoops!!!! @joe_ghi Paul goes down...dunt-dunt-day!@britttgriffith ummm Joe???@joe_ghi was supposed to say...dunt-dunt-da!
Psychic (or not)… @barryghi I can just about see the runway from the Gate window......I'm sensing a delay :) (…) Aha a few lucky charms and this plane is flyin :) Boarding in 5 minutes.
On a tour with Kris… @KrisWilliams81 Pictures of the two castles we investigated on last weeks episode on my page!!
Revelations… @KrisWilliams81 RT @ScareHouseScott: wait-r u tellin me that u & @amybruni rn't datin? Me:No, not anymore...LOL way 2 start some rumors Scott! @amybruni I'm sorry we had to end it when you went to GHI! ;) (…) I can't do the long distance thing, haha ;)
Rock your socks! @KrisWilliams81 Knowing I have to take off my shoes at the airport... I should probably have rethought the screaming pink socks...
Review of Season 4 "Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch"
11 hours ago
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