Ghost Hunters, Syfy's hugely successful reality series, has announced a trio of special guest investigators. Bravo's The Real Housewives of Atlanta's Sheree Whitfield, NeNe Leakes and Kim Zolciak are on the case at the historic Rhodes Hall in Atlanta, GA as they join Jason, Grant and the rest of the team for an unforgettable investigation. The episode is slated to air on Syfy this fall.
New Season
Watch the new season of Ghost Hunters starting on Wednesday, August 24th!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Real Housewives of Atlanta to Join the Ghost Hunters
Syfy has just announced that Sheree Whitfield, NeNe Leakes and Kim Zolciak of Bravo's Real Housewives of Altanta will be joining the Ghost Hunters during their investigation of Rhodes Hall in Atlanta, GA. The episode featuring the investigation will air sometime in fall. The following is from the SyFy press release:
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Britt Griffith Appears as Judge on Food Network Challenge
TAPS investigator Britt Griffith appeared on today's (July 25) episode of Food Network Challenge, in which he helped judge the contestant's paranormal themed cakes. Each team was challenged with telling the story of a paranormal encounter through their cakes. Britt reviewed each cake with the other judges and the best chef was awarded $10,000. You can find out when the episode will air again on Food Network by visiting their website.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Ghost Hunters Filming in Georgia
The Buzz is reporting that TAPS is down South investigating Stone Mountain Park's Antebellum Plantation and Rhodes Hall in Atlanta, Georgia. The episode(s) featuring these investigations will air this fall on SyFy. Rhodes Hall was built in 1904 as a private residence, but today serves as a museum and event hall. The second floor is home to the headquarters of The Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation. Stone Mountain Park's Antebellum Plantation is a collection of original building from the 18th century that were moved from their original locations and preserved.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Robb Demarest Talks Dustin Pari, Twitter, Martial Arts, & More
Laura Merwin at recently posted an interview with Ghost Hunters International lead investigator Robb Demarest. In the interview Robb discusses Dustin Pari's leaving the show, cancelling his Twitter account, practing martial arts, the revolving cast of GH International, and staying under the radar.
Laura: The cast of GHI has changed radically from the very beginning, from one episode to the next it seems we never know which investigators we’ll be seeing, you seem to be the one constant, what are you doing differently that has kept you coming back each and every episode?
Robb: I know that this has a been a real problem with GHI. The only OG’s (original ghost hunters….or is that OGH?) are Barry and I. Part of the problem is that life on the road for 4-6 weeks at a clip can be tough. That isn’t to say that it isn’t a great opportunity, but I think some people underestimate how grueling it can be. Plus, being away from family and friends takes its toll. It’s a good thing Barry is very resilient and I’m just stubborn.
Laura: The loss of Dustin Pari from the team is quite a shock, are there any other surprises for the new season that you can let us in on?
Robb: Dustin’s departure was tough. I miss the guy on a daily basis. Barry does a great job stepping into that spot. As far as other surprises…Hmmm…Well, Scott Tepperman joins the team. Susan and Karl join us from GHA. A couple more familiar faces leave before the show ends this run, and one returns. Is that cryptic enough for you?
Sneak Peek of 'Sweeney Todd'
See a sneak peek of this Wednesday's all new Ghost Hunters International, 'Sweeney Todd'. Although Todd was a fictional character, the team is searching for the ghost of a possible real life inspiration for the legend (if there is one). An article on MassLive discusses this a little more, including the story of "Mr. Jarman" who supposedly dumped humans into pots of boiling water and then disposed of the remains in a river. This week's investigation takes place at the Ostrich Inn in Colnbrook, England.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
CapeCast Interviews 'Academy' Winner Adam Berry
CapeCast recently posted a video interview on YouTube with Ghost Hunters Academy winner Adam Berry. Adam talks about his approach towards ghost hunting, the scariest moment from the show, and confirms that he will be joining the TAPS team in the fall. Plus, you can hear some of Adam's musical talent at the start of the show.
Interviewer: So Adam, take us to the scariest moment in your experience with ghosts. Where were you, what did you feel?
Adam: You know, I think on the show the scariest place was the Ohio State Reformatory. I mean that place was huge, it was a prison, it was where they filmed Shawshank. They had thousands of people die and like it was bloody and nasty. I think that we started hearing sounds and different things that we couldn't explain and couldn't pinpoint and couldn't find it was like they were playing a game with us. And they wanted us to like run us around like an amusement park. And I think that was probably the scariest moment.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Exclusive Interview with Brett McGinnis
Check out our exclusive interview with Ghost Hunters Academy's Brett McGinnis! Brett talks about his experience of the show, his favorite moments, his fellow cadets, and his talent to dancing like Michael Jackson. Big thanks to Brett for answering my questions and participating in the interview.
What was your reaction when you heard that you were going to be a part of 'Ghost Hunters Academy'?
Well....when I got the call saying that I was on the show, I went nuts! I was screaming and jumping was insane. I don't think I slept at all that night, haha.
Read the complete interview at GhostHuntersFans.Net.
Dustin Pari Not Returning to Ghost Hunters International
Dustin Pari, who has previously appeared on both Ghost Hunters and Ghost Hunters International, confirmed via his Twitter account that he will not be returning to either of the shows. Dustin said that he had been asked by SyFy to return and that he was "cool" with everyone, but he has decided to go his own way. Although Dustin will not be on any future episodes of the show, he will be still be attending a future event with TAPS members Steve, Tango, & Kris.
"Thanks 4 ur kindness- I'm no longer filming with GH/GHI. I was asked back for both & I'm cool with every1- just going my own way- No Worries" (via Dustin's Twitter)
Monday, July 12, 2010
'Spirit of Robin Hood' Sneak Peek
Check out a sneak peek of the season premiere of Ghost Hunters International! See the full episode this Wednesday at 9 on SyFy.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Get 10% Off TAPS, GHI, & GHA Merchandise at Top Heavy Clothing
To celebrate the season premiere of Ghost Hunters Interntional on July 14, Top Heavy Clothing is offering a 10% off discount to fans who use the promo code GH71410 when they buy any TAPS, Ghost Hunters International, or Ghost Hunters Academy products. Visit the Ghost Hunters/TAPS Top Heavy Clothing store and start shopping!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Happy (Belated) Birthday to Amy & Grant
Time to catch up on some Ghost Hunters cast birthdays that have just passed. Best birthday wishes to Amy Bruni & Grant Wilson who celebrated their birthdays on July 10th and July 3rd respectively. I know that this post comes a little late, but better late than never! (Or so they say...)
Happy Birthday Amy & Grant from your #1 fansite!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Ghost Hunters Academy to Premiere in UK July 21
Good news today for fans of Ghost Hunters Academy who live in the UK, since LivingIt is going to be airing the first episode of season 1 (aired in the United States in November-December 2009) on July 21, 2010. That leaves just a few weeks to go until fans across the pond will be able to watch the show. 'Web of Deceit' will air July 21 at 9:00 PM (as well as at 10:00 PM the same day, 7/22 at 1:00 AM & 2:00 AM, and on 7/25 at 9:00 & 10:00 PM). The second episode , 'The Honeymoon's Over' will be shown on July 28 at 9:00 PM.
Monday, July 5, 2010
'Finals At The Stanley Hotel' Sneak Peek
Check out this sneak peek below of next week's season finale of Ghost Hunters Academy, 'Finals At The Stanley Hotel'. Only three cadets are left, find out who becomes the winner this Wednesday! Join our chat room during the show to discuss the new episode.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
I'm Featured On Entities-R-Us!
Terri of Entities-R-Us ( has finally given me my comic debut! What started out as nothing more than a bit of humor has turned into a Guest Draw, which features me (looking quite a bit more sun tanned than I actually am in real life. If you ever see me, you will find that I lack the color that my comical counterpart has!) along with Ghost Hunters' own Steve Gonsalves & Dave Tango! It's quite an honor to be featured on Terri's comic and especially humbling to be featured along with two Ghost Hunters stars. Make sure that you check out the comic and if you have time, visit the archives, I promise that they will make you smile & snort. A big thank you to Terri!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
We Have a New Featured Fan
Judy Manning of Carson, California is our second Featured Fan! You can check out her interview right here, along with an interview with our first featured fan. Judy talks about her favorite TAPS investigations, spotting the Ghost Hunters Academy RV, and much more!
If you want to become one of our future Featured Fans, all you have to do is send an e-mail to and tell us why you should be featured on the site. It's that easy and could put you in the spotlight!
Thanks to Judy for being a featured fan.
If you want to become one of our future Featured Fans, all you have to do is send an e-mail to and tell us why you should be featured on the site. It's that easy and could put you in the spotlight!
Thanks to Judy for being a featured fan.
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